October is pregnancy and infant loss month. I wanted to share a little about the JLB Project and why this month is so important to so many. JLB Project has been a vital part of care for families who have...
Not So Ideal Second Pregnancy Three months into our adventure of raising our son we were surprised with the news of another baby on the way.  The Shock To say that I was really excited to jump back into another pregnancy would...
Fun Fact: Every season is baby shower season when you're in your twenties! This month alone I have three baby showers, one of which is for a best friend and one is for my sister-in-law. Having my own little one...
A million years ago I wrote a reflection on the decision to have a second baby. Spoiler alert: I was pregnant about 10 seconds after it was posted. When my husband and I were dating we had a frank discussion...

Choosing a Name

Picking a name for your new baby! Yes, the most exciting, stressful, trying part of pregnancy (besides squeezing a baby out of your vagina). But just like labor, you will have to do it anyway. Everyone has a say in your...
I’ll never forget when we, as a married couple of five years at the time, decided, okay we’re ready. We’re ready to have a go at making a baby. It wasn’t an easy decision. At 29, we still weren’t...
Motherhood is hard enough as it is... How can we learn to be positive about bodies that don't look anything like the bodies we see in the media?  Our culture is obsessed with the female form. Women's bodies are expected to...
October! Fall, leaves changing, cooler temps, football, Halloween; and a few very important awareness 'causes.' Everyone knows about Breast Cancer Awareness, but did you know there are 96 other 'national' months?! (according to National Day Calendar, yes I counted) One of...
I had no idea breastfeeding was painful... Mothering is extremely difficult and we are quiet about some of the most challenging aspects of it. Before my daughter's first latch, I didn't know that breastfeeding was painful. It took me months...
Dear Carly, I anxiously waited for your dad to walk into the door of our new home in Baderville. He had been working a long day at Battery Systems and the few hours that I held the information to myself,...

My Mommy Must Haves

Whenever I hear about someone having their first child, I so desperately want to insert my opinions on what to buy and what not to buy. My Mommy Must Haves. Not because I am some self-proclaimed baby-stuff-expert, but so...
Currently, I am sitting in my home office, halfway through my third pregnancy. There was foresight and decision making that when into choosing to become pregnant during a pandemic (no, we aren't just another pandemic pregnancy!) but some amazing...
Here are the things that I wish I could have heard from myself or those around me, or the things that people did say or do that were enormously healing or validating. "This grief is real. I know society doesn’t...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...