Not So Ideal Second Pregnancy
Three months into our adventure of raising our son we were surprised with the news of another baby on the way.
The Shock
To say that I was really excited to jump back into another pregnancy would be a lie. To be honest I was shocked, sad, scared, and happy all at once. It took about a month for the news to really set in for me to start getting excited we were going to have another baby. Being a stay at home, full-time working mom I knew another baby would take my focus away from growing my business in a new city.
The Preparation
As we prepared for the arrival of our bundle of joy we were hit with more shocking news. During a routine ultrasound, it was determined I had placenta accreta. The news shocked us considering we had a baby not even a year before with no complications.
With no real knowledge of how serious or what placenta accreta was, I did some research. Researching it was probably the worst decision I made. I went from accepting this condition to thinking I may not even survive this pregnancy or even watch my kids grow up.
The daily breakdowns seemed to be part of our daily routine when it came to raising our son. Watching this little boy achieve milestones every day was supposed to be a joyous and happy occasion but it wasn’t with this hanging over my head.
What Now
Meeting with a specialist in Phoenix was the next step we had to take to conquer this condition. During an hour-long ultrasound, we received news we had hoped for but not expected, I didn’t have placenta accreta!
The emotional stress I had gone through the past few months seemed to disappear when the news set in, but anger started to take over. I kept thinking to myself- why did I have to go through something like this and be able to focus on enjoying my pregnancy?
Our baby girl arrived October 2nd with zero complications and was perfect. At that moment I knew I could let go of the anger, hurt, and distrust knowing my healthy little girl was here.
Learn more about Placenta Accreta.