If you've got a baby, like me, and they tend to poop in their diapers, like mine does, then you need a safe easy effective way to clean that poop off their rear-end (and thighs, and back, and everything...
Flagstaff's recycling policy changed recently (as did the policies of many other US Cities). Are you still filling your recycling bin with plastic? You might be surprised at how limited our new policy is. Up until June 1st of last...
Recently, I was cooking and I had an epiphany. I have two colanders. No, that can't be right. Why do I have two colanders? I don't need two colanders. Not only do I have two colanders but I also...
Lately, I feel like I'd need to get a Ph.D. to understand the labels on my food. Grocery store jargon has gotten out of control. What does any of it actually mean? And how do I make the best...
I am a wannabe environmentalist and a wannabe minimalist but I am a long way from perfection! These things are important to me so I keep chipping away at them daily and I love to share it! I recently...
It is so exciting when you find new places that align with your family's beliefs and values. Here are four local businesses my family has patronized to fit our needs: Flagstaff Birth and Women's Center I could write a book about the...
As I am writing this, my baby is on her fourth bout of illness this winter. She is eleven months old, eats more fruits and veggies than me, and still has been hit ruthlessly by this flu season. Kids...

Recycling in Flagstaff

I recently took a very educational class offered by the City of Flagstaff called the Master Recycler class. I have always been interested in helping save our planet so I was excited to learn more! Click here to take a...
How Does Diet Affect the Planet? A recent study concluded that if every American could cut beef out of their diet (just beef) we could reduce our greenhouse gas emissions significantly enough to reach the emissions reductions goals that our...
When my daughter was born, my mom came to stay with us in Buffalo for three weeks to help out. It was the middle of winter, in a blizzard. We were basically trapped inside the entire time since toting...
We can all do something to help keep our beautiful town, and planet a little greener with a few small choices. Because little changes add up! I'm sharing a few of the ways my family chooses to be a...
We are very blessed, living in Flagstaff that things are not too far apart. You can drive through the whole town in about thirty minutes depending on the traffic of our busiest street, Milton. Deciding to be a one...
We ended up in a tiny house... Our little town has big housing problem. The week I found out I was pregnant our lease was up and we hadn't found anywhere to move to. We spent the majority of my pregnancy...

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In + Around Flagstaff

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

I do not like roses. There, I said it. I also don't love boxes of chocolate. Or stuffed teddy bears. So here's a list...

The Guide: January

Flagstaff in October

The Guide: October