In mid-October, Crispin found out that a friend of his and his wife from the east coast were coming out to Albuquerque for the weekend to view the eclipse and go to the Balloon Fiesta. With a little persuasion...
With the holidays just around the corner, local families and visitors alike are starting to plan fun holiday activities. And luckily, Flagstaff offers a lot of original local holiday events. I have compiled a list below of some of...
Drive around town and you know...fall has come to Flagstaff, Arizona. Fall color in Flagstaff has arrived!
It's been playing peek-a-boo with us for awhile now, and amateur photographers everywhere (including myself) are walking up and down the city streets...
Many cities that we are all from have a college or university in them. Some of us attended the community college or local university and some of us haven’t set foot on that campus.
I know from a mom perspective...
Dress for Snow and Ice:
I once saw a woman walking around snowy downtown in snow pants and stilettos. I'm all for fashion as a means of self-expression, but if you aren't wearing practical shoes you are going to be...
As a stay at home mom whose husband’s demanding career takes him away from home for extended periods of time, all aspects of parenting our daughter are my responsibility. It is often said that stay-at-home mothers embody different personas;...
There are now plenty of accounts and collaboratives on the internet promoting outdoor adventure and hiking with kids. The Instagram algorithm really seems to favor folks posing in front of epic landscapes. on the one hand I think this...
This will be my ninth summer in Flagstaff. Before I moved here I knew basically nothing about it. The summer before we moved from the Midwest, I would insist to my husband that when we lived in Arizona, we'd...
It's summertime and time to hit the road for the Great American Roadtrip. I've come to really enjoy car trips with my family, here are some ideas that make them more fun for everyone:
Plan Your Route
My kids do ok...
My favorite and sometimes scariest season is rapidly approaching! What are you up to this summer? If you are like me I’m frantically trying to think of things to do with my not so young kids (age 12 and...
Five years ago this April, I eagerly ushered my then 4-year-old onto a soft green field for his first year of T-ball. I donned a tank top, baseball cap, and flip-flops, and prepared to enjoy a blissful baseball season...
Ah, the great outdoors. So peaceful and relaxing. Basking in the serenity of nature, feeling a cool raindrop on your face, letting the leaves of a fern slide between your fingers as you gently sway back and forth in...
A – ACCEPT that there is a lot of work involved in camping with littles. Acquiesce to the fact that, unlike the carefree trips of your youth, it will be a bit exhausting (because now you get to do...