When it comes time for some sort of gift giving day, I know my family and friends shutter when shopping for my daughter. They say, “I tried not to pick out too many pink things.” And I appreciate it....
Screen Time and Toddlers For the first few years of my childhood there were no screens in our apartment. Literally not a single screen. The telephone didn't even have caller ID, and I'm a young mom, this wasn't that long...
Growing up, almost all of my friends had siblings. Some of them fought, and some of them got along. Some of them oscillated between fighting and getting along. To this day, when I tell people I'm an only child...
Yes, quite a touchy title yeah? Well, if you’ve had a day like mine then you know where I am at. And if you’ve had a wonderful day with your littles where they were sweet and loving and listened,...
When it comes to parenting, I’m pretty middle of the road in terms of my style and approach. But one pretty big aspect of all this is employing free-range parenting. For anyone who doesn’t know what this means, here’s...
To my husband, Not only am I so thankful for you, I really understand what an important influence you have on our family.  Dads approach parenting completely different than moms do.  I think that children receive a completely different set of lenses...
If you've ever moved into a new town and tried to navigate all the school options, you know choosing the best fit for your child can be overwhelming. In many towns, there are a myriad of options including public...
From the moment society discovers we're pregnant, they want to know...they NEED to know: is it a boy or a girl? I find this question so mind-boggling because no matter the answer the stranger is given, their response is the...
Family Planning (or unplanned...) I was 21, my boyfriend was 19 and we had just moved in together. We weren't planning on having any children, maybe not ever. We'd done a little research into long-term birth control and my doctor...
The National Institute of Mental Health defines stress as "how the brain and body respond to any demand." With that being said, motherhood affects how we respond to the demand of caring for our little ones.  Being a parent...
Sweet baby girl, Your great-grandfather died today. We were rushing around the house this morning trying to get a few things sorted out and quickly packed so that we could take you and the dogs and drive to Tucson. The...
I don't know how to write about this without sounding like and feeling like a truly terrible mother.  I know that lately, there have been a lot of posts and articles from moms (myself included) reassuring mothers that they are...
How Does Diet Affect the Planet? A recent study concluded that if every American could cut beef out of their diet (just beef) we could reduce our greenhouse gas emissions significantly enough to reach the emissions reductions goals that our...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...