“The eyes don’t lie.” “The eyes are the  windows to the soul.” There are endless old adages about eyes, and so many are related to communication and what we perceive in others. That’s because eye communication is a real thing. Ever...
If there’s one thing I know as a mom, it’s that solidarity and the knowledge of I’m not alone in my struggles with raising kids is extremely important to my mental health. One of the things that has helped...
When my son was born, I sent a text to my friend that went something like, “We welcomed Cormac Artem Wilson on…” and her response was, “Congratulations!  Tell me about his name.”  Having often wondered about the origins of...
I recently overheard women talking at a party about two middle school kids who took their parents car for a joy ride one night. You can imagine what that conversation sounded like when the parents got hold of them....

Let Them See You Work

Being a mom is really hard sometimes. Being an adult is really hard sometimes.  Keeping it all together is really hard sometimes. I’ve been making an effort, though, lately, to show my kids how hard I work. The home tasks...
sleep coach

I Hired A Sleep Coach

A while back I wrote a post about enjoying night time wakings and feedings with my newborn (here). Looking back I truly feel that I soaked up as much late night, swaddled baby burrito cuddles as I could. Fast...

YOU are my Why

Ever since I was in High School, I was one of those people who had a ton of acquaintances - but only a few close friends.  That trend followed me into my college and through post-college life.  My two...
Growing up, almost all of my friends had siblings. Some of them fought, and some of them got along. Some of them oscillated between fighting and getting along. To this day, when I tell people I'm an only child...
Have you heard about the minimum wage increase in Flagstaff?  If you haven't then come on out from the rock you were under because it's REAL.  Small town political campaigns were staked on this issue.  I've spoken with local...

What Can a Man Be?

There are many important conversations happening in America, and I'm not saying this one is more important than others, but it came up at my dinner table this week: what does it mean to be a man today?Did you...
Once I read an article stating that the closest relationship any people would have is that of a sibling relationship. I thought about this for awhile and then decided that it made sense despite never experiencing this type of...
My husband and I must be certifiably nuts! Our two oldest daughters are 20 months apart in age. I knew when they were babies that they would be two years apart in school and be in High School at the...
School's out for the summer and it's time to pack in all of our summer adventures and travel plans. I'm sure the thought of traveling with a toddler gives you anxiety, especially if you're flying and have to navigate the...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...