We can talk about diversity and inclusion, or we can make moves to actually spark change in our community. Over the years we’ve had many amazing, talented and unique writers on the team at Flagstaff Mom Collective, and every...
In our house I have tried to instill traditions for many occasions.  Such as Tuesday night is of course Taco Night and for Easter we have the same ham.  So, I wanted to make Father's Day special for my...
As ridiculous as it may sound, dropping my Kindergartener off instead of walking him inside has proved to be even more emotional for me than that dreaded first day was. "Bye, Mom! Have a good day!" My boys wriggled out...
A million years ago I wrote a reflection on the decision to have a second baby. Spoiler alert: I was pregnant about 10 seconds after it was posted. When my husband and I were dating we had a frank discussion...
Initially, we didn't want to co-sleep I was very opposed to co-sleeping with my baby. Our bed was ours. We got a crib and a bassinet and it was very important for us to have our own separate spaces. Turns...
Last spring my daughter was attending a preschool that allowed for non-potty trained 3-year-olds, but I was soon moving her to a different preschool that did not allow any diapers whatsoever and the clock was ticking. As the months...
I guess because my girls are now in high school and college, other moms come to me, almost out of breath, pleading with me, "Tell me it gets easier." If we are face to face (rare these days, but...
I’d like to tell you about my son Blake. He’s a clever little guy who loves trucks, dance parties, and riding his bike. He’s a sensitive soul who deeply wants to connect with others. He cheers his little sister...
Hi, my name is Jill, and I’m a travel ball mom. Honestly, I tried hard not to be. My husband and I had five little girls in six years, and a wise friend coached me early on to be...
I sat quietly by myself in our favorite booth, the one right next to the large glass window that overlooked the play area. As I sipped my iced tea and straightened up from our meal I watched as both...
“The eyes don’t lie.” “The eyes are the  windows to the soul.” There are endless old adages about eyes, and so many are related to communication and what we perceive in others. That’s because eye communication is a real thing. Ever...
I recently overheard women talking at a party about two middle school kids who took their parents car for a joy ride one night. You can imagine what that conversation sounded like when the parents got hold of them....
One sunny, cold winter morning, my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter and I met up with some new friends for an outdoor playdate. Naturally, the kids were overflowing with excitement at the prospect of meeting someone new. Energy was high, and the...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...