We ended up in a tiny house... Our little town has big housing problem. The week I found out I was pregnant our lease was up and we hadn't found anywhere to move to. We spent the majority of my pregnancy...
Oh summer in Flagstaff! Are you ready for the warm days, cool nights and all around amazingness that Flagstaff has to offer in the summer? I know I am! I love the lazy days, the pool time, and just...
  Everyone looks forward to the last day of school and the unofficial start of Summer. That is, almost everyone. Some moms dread having their kids home every day for 9 weeks straight. To be honest, I am one of those moms....
School's out for the summer and it's time to pack in all of our summer adventures and travel plans. I'm sure the thought of traveling with a toddler gives you anxiety, especially if you're flying and have to navigate the...

YOU are my Why

Ever since I was in High School, I was one of those people who had a ton of acquaintances - but only a few close friends.  That trend followed me into my college and through post-college life.  My two...
Growing up, almost all of my friends had siblings. Some of them fought, and some of them got along. Some of them oscillated between fighting and getting along. To this day, when I tell people I'm an only child...
In the spirit of beginnings and introductions, I've included some info below so you can all get to know a little more about me. Thanks for reading, and for making this community home!   Family: I have a wonderful husband, Justin....
Are you looking for a last minute gift for your dad that is fun and local to Arizona? We put together a list of 6+ ideas that you can still get for dad! Some of them are right here...
When it comes time for some sort of gift giving day, I know my family and friends shutter when shopping for my daughter. They say, “I tried not to pick out too many pink things.” And I appreciate it....
  Elderly Primigravida. Not the most flattering adjective to describe a first time, glowing mom to be. But there they were. Those words were on the summary of every prenatal visit I had. I never planned to be 35 and...
Late last night, my attempt to sleep away from the family (so as not to share my summer cold) officially failed. A tiny visitor had arrived on the couch some time in the night. That's when it hit me:...
I had the great luck of easily conceiving both my girls and although I am grateful for that, the thought of being pregnant a third time made my palms sweat thinking about it. My youngest was sleeping through the night....
To my husband, Not only am I so thankful for you, I really understand what an important influence you have on our family.  Dads approach parenting completely different than moms do.  I think that children receive a completely different set of lenses...

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In + Around Flagstaff

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

I do not like roses. There, I said it. I also don't love boxes of chocolate. Or stuffed teddy bears. So here's a list...

The Guide: January

Flagstaff in October

The Guide: October