I heard the voice as soon as I looked in the mirror this morning. It pointed out the bags under my eyes, critiqued my skin, and replayed the wrong thing I said in a conversation yesterday. It attacked the way...
I was a teacher in another chapter of life, a high school teacher, and I loved it. I get sentimental around this time of year, and then I remember. . . it was a tapestry of hard work, new...
Minimalism can be tricky when it comes to young families. Before you have kids, you might say you want 4, but after 2 you decide you're done, and then maybe after a year you say, ok, how about three? I...
Until three days ago, I would have said that my biggest parental regret, hands down, was that my daughter, who was just about a year and a half old at the time, got into an ant hill on my...
Congratulations! You have survived the first year of parenthood and now you get to celebrate. Keeping in mind that this is a party for you to enjoy, and not your baby, let me impart some tips and tricks to...
I took my daughter to Chick-fil-A for lunch one day and let her play in the jungle gym area. She was having a grand ‘ol time with another little girl, who was four or five until I gave my...
I recently overheard women talking at a party about two middle school kids who took their parents car for a joy ride one night. You can imagine what that conversation sounded like when the parents got hold of them....
I have been homeschooling my daughter since school closures in mid-March and decided that I will continue to teach her myself for another year. She is thriving in our current set up and has made tremendous progress in the...
  Everyone looks forward to the last day of school and the unofficial start of Summer. That is, almost everyone. Some moms dread having their kids home every day for 9 weeks straight. To be honest, I am one of those moms....
What is better after a long day of parenting than a good meme?! Here are 10 out of the millions I have pinned on Pinterest. We all were that person before kids listening to the kid lose it in Walmart, now we...
I remember thinking when our babies were born that college seemed far off. People told us we should start saving right away, especially after we had five babies in about six years. But there was always something else--paying for...
What I never expected was becoming a legit "soccer mom" mom. And what I mean by that is the mom who 100% commits to supporting their kid in playing on a competitive travel soccer team starting at age 6,...
One sunny, cold winter morning, my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter and I met up with some new friends for an outdoor playdate. Naturally, the kids were overflowing with excitement at the prospect of meeting someone new. Energy was high, and the...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...