
Let Them See You Work

Being a mom is really hard sometimes. Being an adult is really hard sometimes.  Keeping it all together is really hard sometimes. I’ve been making an effort, though, lately, to show my kids how hard I work. The home tasks...
Although I haven’t read it, I’m relatively familiar with the 5 Love Languages. However, after you have a baby, I’d argue that, no matter what “language” your love normally speaks, the best gift is help (or, as author Gary...
In eleven days I am sending my sweet baby boy off to kindergarten, but who is counting?! How do they expect us to grow a human inside our bodies and then a short 5-6 years later leave them and then just...
"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love" This is one of my favorite quotes. It's one I say to myself constantly. Or try to. And more importantly, try to live. We do many grubby,...
I’ll never forget the day (over 10 years ago) when my husband comes home with our 2-year-old very distraught (the husband not the kid!). They had been at a splash pad/ playground and I had stayed home with the...
Since school closures in March, my five-year-old daughter and I have been staying home. Although the stay home order was lifted a few months ago in Arizona, we are taking a more cautious approach and tiptoeing back into the...
We ended up in a tiny house... Our little town has big housing problem. The week I found out I was pregnant our lease was up and we hadn't found anywhere to move to. We spent the majority of my pregnancy...
My daughter was two months old, potty training had not begun to cross my mind. I was daydreaming of adventure, googling "how to backpack with a baby" when I came across a blog post that piqued my curiosity. This...
Recently, I was cooking and I had an epiphany. I have two colanders. No, that can't be right. Why do I have two colanders? I don't need two colanders. Not only do I have two colanders but I also...
Recently I read I very colorful article on mommy blog site about bed times for kids. I thought to myself, where do I fall on this spectrum of early or later bed times for my kids. Do other parents...
“I will NEVER do this to my kids!” I thought heatedly, with deep conviction, for the thousandth time. I was a little kid with big emotions, one of them being frustration rooted in the feeling that my parents just...
I had the great luck of easily conceiving both my girls and although I am grateful for that, the thought of being pregnant a third time made my palms sweat thinking about it. My youngest was sleeping through the night....
At four and six, my boys are at some pretty great ages. In fact, they are playing at the park while I write this, sitting by myself on a quiet, sun-drenched patch of grass. They come to me for...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...