In recent years, an increasing number of health-conscious individuals have become aware of the potential risks associated with toxic substances present in everyday products, including cookware. Fortunately, Caraway Home, a leading brand in the kitchenware industry, has taken a...
One of the best things about living in Flagstaff is the variety of budget-friendly thrift stores. As parents, we all know how expensive it can be to always have to buy new shoes for our rapidly growing child or...
When my daughter was born, my mom came to stay with us in Buffalo for three weeks to help out. It was the middle of winter, in a blizzard. We were basically trapped inside the entire time since toting...
I have been homeschooling my daughter since school closures in mid-March and decided that I will continue to teach her myself for another year. She is thriving in our current set up and has made tremendous progress in the...
If you've ever moved into a new town and tried to navigate all the school options, you know choosing the best fit for your child can be overwhelming. In many towns, there are a myriad of options including public...
Last week, we said goodbye to our sweet old hound dog. As I reflect on how thankful I was to have shared more than 8 years with him, I think about how good having dogs has been for our...
Are you like me and for some reason save all of your wine corks? Sometimes I save them because they were a part of a special occasion; a birthday, anniversary, etc. Other times I just think they are pretty and...
Have you heard about the minimum wage increase in Flagstaff?  If you haven't then come on out from the rock you were under because it's REAL.  Small town political campaigns were staked on this issue.  I've spoken with local...
I used to look forward to Flagstaff summer because we get to be outside and enjoy the farmers markets, Concerts in the Park, and Movies on the Square. Since the pandemic has started, we have had to limit our...
Valentine's Day is mostly geared towards couples but it's also a great time to build traditions with the whole family! I found this Valentine's Tradition idea on Pinterest a few years ago and we have loved doing it every...

Small Delights

Lately, I’ve been so full of gratitude for my life that I could burst.  I feel so lucky and blessed, and I don’t want to take any of it for granted.  Every day, I’m thankful for the big things: ...

Busy Mom Hacks

This school year has hit me hard. Between teaching, moming, and everything else, I stay swamped. Here are a few ways I stay organized and sane. Breakfast Prep I use this oatmeal recipe . I put half in these mason jars , and...
Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good DIY project. I’m so excited to share my new found love for wide-plank plywood floors with you. When renovating our toy hauler, my husband and I had to come up...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...