30 Days Facebook Free

Ok, so maybe it wasn't exactly 30 days Facebook free. What initially transpired was that I was trying to stop using my time looking at social media so much and start trying to do more productive things, especially with the...
It was a beautiful day in our mountain town.  After days of gray clouds and rainy skies, the sun finally poked through and graced us with a lovely afternoon. Never ones to be cooped up inside, my boys were dying...
I recently overheard women talking at a party about two middle school kids who took their parents car for a joy ride one night. You can imagine what that conversation sounded like when the parents got hold of them....
As ridiculous as it may sound, dropping my Kindergartener off instead of walking him inside has proved to be even more emotional for me than that dreaded first day was. "Bye, Mom! Have a good day!" My boys wriggled out...
I don't know how to write about this without sounding like and feeling like a truly terrible mother.  I know that lately, there have been a lot of posts and articles from moms (myself included) reassuring mothers that they are...
Last spring my daughter was attending a preschool that allowed for non-potty trained 3-year-olds, but I was soon moving her to a different preschool that did not allow any diapers whatsoever and the clock was ticking. As the months...
  I love reading and it seems that I passed that gene fully onto one of my boys and partly onto the other (when I can find the right books for him!).  I definitely inherited the reading gene as well....
This summer, I gave birth to my second child beginning a summer that lined up with maternity leave! Now by "maternity leave" I don't actually mean someone paid me to stay home and heal from birth and bond with...
Until 1994, parents were encouraged to put their child to sleep on their stomachs. Our foremothers likely gave birth under Twilight Sleep. Growing up, TV was an accessible babysitter. Spanking is still hotly debated today.   Sometimes it can teeter on mommy-shaming...
Recently, I was cooking and I had an epiphany. I have two colanders. No, that can't be right. Why do I have two colanders? I don't need two colanders. Not only do I have two colanders but I also...
The Paw Patrol is taking over my family! When my son was younger I tested out a few different shows to see if any of them would spark an interest.  It seems the only one that was a HUGE hit,...
Well, I never thought I would see the day but here we are! You are my 1st born, the one that made me a mom and the one that changed my life for the better, just over 13 years...
From the moment society discovers we're pregnant, they want to know...they NEED to know: is it a boy or a girl? I find this question so mind-boggling because no matter the answer the stranger is given, their response is the...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...