I'm not a huge fan of sweets, but every once in a while I'll share a dessert with my husband and daughter. One of...
Some winter day, far in the future, my son will sit around and talk about what the holidays were like when he was a...
This recipe was dreamt up in the prepared boxed food aisle of WalMart! HA! It has been tested by my picky children and has...
The chill is finally in the air here in Flagstaff, HALLELUJAH! I know not everyone is a fan of the cooler weather but it's...
Every 'diet' and 'healthy eating plan' out there agree on at least one thing, eat more veggies! That may be the only thing all...
This year I have lived in Flagstaff for 10 years, 7 of which I could legally drink. With that knowledge, I will pass on...
You know what's awesome? Fall.
The colors...The smells...The bulky sweaters that cover my apparently permanent "fall fluff"...Oh, and all the fall-flavored lattes we get to...
It's that time of year again...when I earn "Gold" status at Starbucks, all thanks to one little drink: The Pumpkin Spice Latte.
I knew I...
How many of you have tried to make Spanish rice on the stove top? Unfortunately, for me even after being taught by a Mexican...
Yup, you read that right! You can make refried beans in the Instant Pot or any other electric pressure cooker!
I have to say...
How Does Diet Affect the Planet?
A recent study concluded that if every American could cut beef out of their diet (just beef) we could...
Who loves tacos? My family sure does. Way back before kids, I had a personal trainer and he wanted me consuming less sodium which...
Welcome welcome! We are so happy to be with you as the greatest blog for the city of Flagstaff (opinion poll taken by me)....