*This post is in partnership with Wildflower Bread Co. All experiences and opinions are my own.  Effortless. The word's meaning is "requiring no exertion; achieved with ease," yet I've never tried so hard to achieve something in my life.  I am...

Dia Del Amor Y La Amistad

Growing up, we did things a little differently, but I didn’t realize it until I was much older. My family immigrated to the U.S and with them, they brought culture and tradition. One of the many holidays we did...
July 10 is National Teddy Bears Picnic Day My beloved Grandmother was a Kindergarten Teacher for 27 years. She loved to celebrate all holidays and welcomed any opportunity to include her students in the fun. Each year she would coordinate...
If you had asked me as a young adult if I considered myself a Type A or B personality, I definitely would have stated I was a Type B. I was a theatre kid. I did dance and choir...
This year as I filled out my daughter's back to school paperwork I came across two questions. Holidays we celebrate and holidays we don't. Being American Catholics we celebrate most typical holidays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But I paused at...
I see my future, a plan, a goal, and then it flees the frame. I can't remember what I am supposed to do. A staircase appears, and I begin ascending for the sake of ascending, but the steps move...
Tis the season of loads of work for moms! We may not be able to have the same Christmas magic for ourselves as we did pre-kids, but it is pretty dang magical to watch them tear those presents open...
Flagstaff families may not be able to attend some of our favorite Easter egg hunts this year, but with a little help from our local community, we can go on an Easter egg hunt while still practicing social distancing. Similar...
I want to remind you for a moment that your children absorb every thing you do and everything you say, whether or not it seems like it. I remember this every time I see my daughter shout at our...
Every season in Flagstaff makes me feel lucky to call this place home, but winter holds a fond place in my heart because there are so many opportunities to view the magic of snow, frosty air, and the holidays...
It's that time of year again...when I earn "Gold" status at Starbucks, all thanks to one little drink: The Pumpkin Spice Latte.  I knew I wanted to write about it - but didn't expect the #PSL frenzy that hit on...
We love the holidays here in Flagstaff and all the activities that pop up, just as the weather is getting really cold! A few of these things take a bit of planning and some are really easy, just hop...
I've read all about the mental load that women carry. In relationships, women tend to do most of the mental labor. Seasonal mental labor includes researching toys, choosing what gifts to buy family members on both sides, planning holiday visits/trips,...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...