July 10 is National Teddy Bears Picnic Day
My beloved Grandmother was a Kindergarten Teacher for 27 years. She loved to celebrate all holidays and welcomed any opportunity to include her students in the fun. Each year she would coordinate the special day where her students were invited to bring their very own Teddy Bears to school and participate in a picnic.
When I hear the song, The Teddy Bears Picnic by Bing Crosby I can immediately remember joining her class in the parade and picnic celebration. When I was a Pre-Schooler my parents allowed me to attend one of her Teddy Bear Picnics and I thought it was the most special day. I still do. And I want to celebrate with my own boys!
Fun fact: did you know the term “Teddy Bear” is actually tied to a story involving a US President?
How to Host a Teddy Bear Picnic
My kids think that an invitation to eat their meals anywhere BUT the kitchen table is a treat. On Friday’s we do Pizza + Movie night and move their kiddo-sized table into the family room for dinner. They love it. During the summer months, we eat many of our meals outside on the patio. So when I announced we’d be hosting a Teddy Bear Picnic they were so excited!
Gather the Cubs
Instruct your little ones to round up all of their Teddy Bears. Then they must inform the Bears they have an important event to attend 😉
Set the Scene
I welcome any excuse to serve “picnic meals” to my family. Snack dinners are something I started doing as a newlywed and we still love a spread of snack food on hot summer days. Grab a blanket, your phone (for the mandatory song!) and your grub – save some for the cubs! And search out a perfect picnic spot. Be creative – you can absolutely picnic in your own backyard, or visit a local park or friend’s house. You can even host the picnic in your living room. Or go the extra mile and pitch a tent in your yard.
If you host a Teddy Bear Picnic Tag us on Instagram @flagstaffmoms we would love to see!