I have had a long-standing love-hate relationship with social media. There was a practical component where I would quickly learn what was going on around town, a single source of information for kids’ events, as well as tip-offs for cheaper...
There was a wonderful episode of the TV show The Middle where the mom just wants to be alone for Mother's Day. Her family plans a big day out so she can stay home and have time to herself....
When it comes time for some sort of gift giving day, I know my family and friends shutter when shopping for my daughter. They say, “I tried not to pick out too many pink things.” And I appreciate it....

Recycling in Flagstaff

I recently took a very educational class offered by the City of Flagstaff called the Master Recycler class. I have always been interested in helping save our planet so I was excited to learn more! Click here to take a...
No one I talked to blamed me or questioned what I was doing. When I told them that I was quitting teaching they all just nodded or said they understood. A few told me, "If I was 10 years...
It wasn’t like a ton of bricks, it wasn’t a bus or a Mach truck, this feeling was my world falling apart, the walls crumbling, my oxygen dissipating. +++ I dreamed of meeting you, I imagined your face, your hair, your...
There's a lot of buzz going around about doulas. Maybe you're entirely new to the concept, maybe you hired one for your last birth. Before I go into all things doula, let me preface this by stating my obvious...
I don't know how to write about this without sounding like and feeling like a truly terrible mother.  I know that lately, there have been a lot of posts and articles from moms (myself included) reassuring mothers that they are...
While I was pregnant with my second child, a co-worker and friend approached me with the idea of a “job share.” I was instantly intrigued.  Since the birth of my first son, I’d felt like working something less than...

The Angry Mama

I'm officially 33 weeks pregnant, working the last week of my summer teaching job, and raising a toddler! Wow, do I feel stretched thin. Not even thin. Just...transparent. I'm looking at myself writing down the calendar and keeping up...
I was mindlessly scrolling through Facebook when I came across a mom-shaming meme about  motherhood. It really got me thinking “is this what people really think?” Here is the meme, courtesy of Google Images (because the Facebook post got taken...
Family: My husband and I have known each other since we were kids. We got married in 2019 when I was just 19. Ah, young love, haha.   We just celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary and are hoping...

Vote Like a Mother

"When my grandma was born, women could not vote. I use my right to honor the struggle to get me that right and to make my voice heard." I have been writing letters to encourage others to vote, and this...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...