I'm not a huge fan of sweets, but every once in a while I'll share a dessert with my husband and daughter. One of my favorite desserts is funnel cake -- and guess what? You can get it in Flagstaff...
Our family decided for fall break this year to go to the Mouse House and 3/4 of us came back with a crazy cough! Since I am one of the three with a cough I wanted something warm to...
I heard the voice as soon as I looked in the mirror this morning. It pointed out the bags under my eyes, critiqued my skin, and replayed the wrong thing I said in a conversation yesterday. It attacked the way...
One of my favorite things to do when I visit (or move to) a new town is to find out where the locals eat. To be fair, I'm no professional food critic, just a local mom who loves any...
Flagstaff may be a small town, but one thing that Flagstaff is big on is restaurants. It seems like new ones pop up almost weekly. Some restaurants offer free kids meals or discounts on certain days or times during...
Do you have picky eaters in your household? Us too. As much as I would love to say that our kids gladly eat fistfuls of broccoli, that is just not the case. When our kids turned a year old,...
This year I have lived in Flagstaff for 10 years, 7 of which I could legally drink. With that knowledge, I will pass on to you my top three places for the best margaritas in town! Best Margaritas in Flagstaff 1....
This post was created in partnership with Beech-Nut® Naturals™. All opinions are our own. We recently hosted a party for some of our Mommy Friends and Contributors in partnership with Beech-Nut® Naturals™. It was so easy and fun to plan...

Corn & Bean Salad

Have you ever been trying so hard to lose weight you try so many different programs? That is definitely me!! Well, the one I keep coming back to is this plan**.  This time around I have lost 34 pounds...
Summer in Flagstaff means lots of outdoor time - and that goes for cooking and dining too. I was once intimidated by our backyard BBQ, but this summer I'm committed to mastering it. From tools to tips and recipes,...
How many of you ever look up all the random "holidays" that our country has decided to celebrate throughout the year? Well, in anticipation for my next post I looked up some and came to find that July 30th...
Schools are back in session! And back-to-school means BUSY. Getting up early, after-school sports, clubs, activities...even just the daily hustle and bustle...it all takes up time and may require a chauffeur for kids under the age of 16. Getting a...
You know what's awesome? Fall.  The colors...The smells...The bulky sweaters that cover my apparently permanent "fall fluff"...Oh, and all the fall-flavored lattes we get to enjoy (see also sweaters to cover subsequent "fall fluff" from too many fall-flavored lattes. haha!).  I...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...