One of the first purchases we made when we moved to Flagstaff two years ago was hiking gear at our local REI. Although my husband and I are Arizona natives, it took us living across the country to truly...
  Flag Tag AZ did not disappoint. In fact, it impressed the adults and the kids with the existing and new fun for us to enjoy. The group included myself (Heather), my oldest son and a handful of his friends,...

Yes, You Can Foster!

Happy National Adoption Awareness Month! My husband and I have been on a stop and go adoption journey for over two years. Having issues with infertility we decided to adopt through foster care. After having our biological daughter,  we kept...
Tourism time has once again returned to Flagstaff. Even in the midst of a global pandemic our little mountain town is still seeing visitors. Tourists are seeking a change of scenery, cooler temperatures, and an opportunity to enjoy natural...
Five years ago this April, I eagerly ushered my then 4-year-old onto a soft green field for his first year of T-ball. I donned a tank top, baseball cap, and flip-flops, and prepared to enjoy a blissful baseball season...
Summer is moving right along, and we can see the school calendar right around the corner! Flagstaff is an amazing place to be during the summer months, with beautiful weather (hello - monsoons!) and awesome events and activities going...
Hi, Brit here with Flagstaff Moms Blog here to tell you a little about myself. Family: My Husband Brandon who was born and raised in Flag, and we have a sweet 2-year-old daughter, Hazel Jean. Most of my family is in Tulsa,...
As parents, we often are faced with life-altering decisions to make for our children. Our latest query was whether or not to send our oldest to kindergarten next fall. She is a summer baby, born at the end of...
Yes, you can do this, moms and dads. Vegas isn't all about high rollers, dancing at the clubs, partying in the pools, eating all the food, walking the strip, and hitting the sky-high rides at all the hotels. Well,...
Arizona teachers voted 78% in favor of walking out, why? Arizona ranks 49th in education funding. The walkout started on Thursday, April 26th, as demands for increased funding weren't met. Here's what you need to know about the walk...
Tips for Smooth Travel We love to travel. When I got pregnant close friends tried to tell me that a baby wouldn't work with my adventurous lifestyle. Looking back, I'm glad I had those unsupportive people in my life because...
Hello, my name is Danika and I’m super excited to be a new contributor of the Flagstaff Moms Blog!  Here’s a little bit more about me. Family: I grew up in south central Wisconsin and south central Pennsylvania with one...
With the holidays just around the corner, local families and visitors alike are starting to plan fun holiday activities. And luckily, Flagstaff offers a lot of original local holiday events. I have compiled a list below of some of...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...