Hi, Brit here with Flagstaff Moms Blog here to tell you a little about myself.
Family: My Husband Brandon who was born and raised in Flag, and we have a sweet 2-year-old daughter, Hazel Jean. Most of my family is in Tulsa, OK. I am the oldest of 4 children with one sister and two brothers. I am very close to my Mom who gets to visit frequently. I am also very lucky to have my in-laws in town who have become such a great influence in my life.
Job: SAHM/ Property Manager for Northern Arizona Vacation Rentals
What brought you to Flagstaff: I studied abroad in Spain with some friends who were from AZ. After an extended stay in Europe, I decided to visit said friends in Flag and absolutely loved it. I moved here four months later!
Something you love about yourself: One of my favorite things is my ability to laugh hard and I’ve been told a time or twenty that my laugh is contagious which I think is a really fun quality to have.
Early Bird or Night Owl: At this point in life I’d say it depends on the day. Love a nice cup of anything warm in the morning and a book but let’s be real that doesn’t happen much these days. I more often end up watching Madam Secretary or Schitt’s Creek with Brandon either until 8:30pm or 11:30pm- no in between.
Favorite thing to do with your Family: We love playing outside. Rocks. Sticks. Dirt. Hazel is very into all of it.
Coffee or Tea: Trick question. Dirty Spicy Chai.
Hobbies: I enjoy sewing, painting, and design. Visiting national parks is one of my favorite things to do. I love to cook and bake. There is just something so fun about trying a new recipe!
Going back in time, one thing you would tell yourself right before you became a mother: Flexibility is everything.
Something you are looking forward to: Looking forward to the vacations we have planned this summer & a solo trip to Tulsa soon.
Favorite Thing to do in Flagstaff with/without kids: I’d have to say it’s the same answer for both: First Friday’s downtown.
Best Mom Hack: Color Wonder markers and coloring books. We get a lot of play out of them. Great for the car, travel and at the coffee table.
The greatest challenge you’ve faced: Changing family dynamic is the greatest struggle I have dealt with. Parents divorce and all that comes with it.
Favorite thing about being a Mom: The snuggles and the squishy cheeks.
Oh! We could totally be friends. First Friday lover, MSEC watcher, and drinker of dirty chai… plus, GIRL MOM <3
Yes!!!! We LOVE M Sec!
We are moving in a few short months from France! Looking forward to maybe grabbing a coffee and chatting about moving back to the good ol’ US of A!
Whitney I’d love to! It’s a big change but oh so wonderful to be in this little mountain town!
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