I just got home from a 10-day rafting trip in the Grand Canyon with my husband. We were gone from work, cell phones, our kids and everything for 10 days! To say it was great is an understatement. Before...
I've soaked up the Hollywood version of relationships throughout my entire life. Thus, my idea of romance and courtship comes from a combination of 80's and 90's rom-coms, General Hospital, and Beverly Hills 90210. I know, it's surprising that...
Last year about this time, I was dreading a "significant" birthday. Somehow turning 50 seemed really old, like I would never be a cool young mom again. Forget cool. I would never be a young mom again. As the...
Until 1994, parents were encouraged to put their child to sleep on their stomachs. Our foremothers likely gave birth under Twilight Sleep. Growing up, TV was an accessible babysitter. Spanking is still hotly debated today.   Sometimes it can teeter on mommy-shaming...
Hello, my name is Danika and I’m super excited to be a new contributor of the Flagstaff Moms Blog!  Here’s a little bit more about me. Family: I grew up in south central Wisconsin and south central Pennsylvania with one...
I had the same old argument with my husband the other night. Honestly, it's not even an argument. It's a communication issue. It appears that we are saying the same things, but not hearing each other. More times than not,...
Recently, I was cooking and I had an epiphany. I have two colanders. No, that can't be right. Why do I have two colanders? I don't need two colanders. Not only do I have two colanders but I also...

So THIS is Marriage?

Grocery shopping... what a bore, amiright?! Well, somehow, since we have moved to Flagstaff, grocery shopping has become a family outing of sorts. This weekend was kind of rough and we all really were not feeling up to it....
As ridiculous as it may sound, dropping my Kindergartener off instead of walking him inside has proved to be even more emotional for me than that dreaded first day was. "Bye, Mom! Have a good day!" My boys wriggled out...
It feels like as soon as you get pregnant you are bombarded with questions. Are you getting an epidural? Will you breastfeed? Do you believe in co-sleeping? Are you going back to work? When? Have you baby proofed yet?...
A few months ago, I tried to cut out Facebook friends who live in the same town. It was a grand experiment to see if it was possible to reject online society in favor of in-real-life friendships. It both...
A Pup and His Best Friend Hi, my name is Max.  I am a nine-year-old German Rottweiler.  My life I thought was pretty great a few years ago, but then I discovered something new - a best friend.  Before my best...
If you ask me about my mom, I'll tell you she died in 2012. If you are interested, I'll tell you she was diagnosed with a brain tumor out of the blue when she was still in her late...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...