Picture this: you just gave birth to your newborn. You clap yourself on the back for running the marathon that is labor. Maybe you deal with some hard feelings about the way your birth experience turned out. You probably...
If you haven’t heard of COVID-19 yet, because the only reason would be that you’re blissfully sitting on a private island somewhere in the world with no internet (ps – where was my invite?), the intent of this blog...
Welcome welcome! We are so happy to be with you as the greatest blog for the city of Flagstaff (opinion poll taken by me). As you might have read, my name is Kendra and I am a new-ish mom...
Once children entered the picture, we became hoarders. It was as though our house suddenly became a vacuum and all the clutter from our friends, family and even strangers made its way into our living room or stuffed in...
Until three days ago, I would have said that my biggest parental regret, hands down, was that my daughter, who was just about a year and a half old at the time, got into an ant hill on my...
Paleo muffins Katie Woodard-2

My Go-To Paleo Foods

Every 'diet' and 'healthy eating plan' out there agree on at least one thing, eat more veggies! That may be the only thing all eating plans have in common! But I believe it is true and I want to...
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Moms Day Out with Barre3!   This was our second event with Barre3, and we were so excited to work with studio owner Rebekah Kaufman again. She created a custom 60-minute class featuring...
First, I am still meditating, daily and it has made me more present but also made me have more fun! I wrote a bit about my journey at the 6-month mark, found here. This has been a wonderful new habit...
I'm pretty terrible at doing routine deep cleans, but my mom is a professional. Here are some tips beyond the typical "wipe down" that we all usually do. Disinfect light switches, door knobs, and refrigerator doors Empty the fridge...
What makes a hike family friendly?  In my opinion any hike that doesn't involve repelling can be a family friendly hike if you plan well enough. However, not every family is as recklessly adventurous as mine. So I've compiled a...
When I hear the words essential oils, I immediately get an icky feeling inside. It makes me think of all of the MLM companies out there and I want nothing to do with it. So you might be surprised that...

Small Delights

Lately, I’ve been so full of gratitude for my life that I could burst.  I feel so lucky and blessed, and I don’t want to take any of it for granted.  Every day, I’m thankful for the big things: ...
How Does Diet Affect the Planet? A recent study concluded that if every American could cut beef out of their diet (just beef) we could reduce our greenhouse gas emissions significantly enough to reach the emissions reductions goals that our...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...