When you're young, make-up is grown up and fun. However, the older you get, make-up becomes less fun and more seemingly mandatory.  According to New Beauty, 80% of women wear make up every single day.  This number bothers me a lot....
Not So Ideal Second Pregnancy Three months into our adventure of raising our son we were surprised with the news of another baby on the way.  The Shock To say that I was really excited to jump back into another pregnancy would...
Momming is a workout. You start the day running--not necessarily by choice--but more likely after the crazy toddler that made his way out the back door while you were changing a load of laundry. The last thing on your...
Alcoholic. The word is reserved for people who do horrible things. People like Sandra Bullock's character in 28 Days. Yet, me...who wasn't a black-out drunk, who didn't drink and drive, who didn't stash bottles around the house...listened to the...
I heard the voice as soon as I looked in the mirror this morning. It pointed out the bags under my eyes, critiqued my skin, and replayed the wrong thing I said in a conversation yesterday. It attacked the way...
A few months ago, I tried to cut out Facebook friends who live in the same town. It was a grand experiment to see if it was possible to reject online society in favor of in-real-life friendships. It both...

Corn & Bean Salad

Have you ever been trying so hard to lose weight you try so many different programs? That is definitely me!! Well, the one I keep coming back to is this plan**.  This time around I have lost 34 pounds...
Initially, we didn't want to co-sleep I was very opposed to co-sleeping with my baby. Our bed was ours. We got a crib and a bassinet and it was very important for us to have our own separate spaces. Turns...
I took my daughter to Chick-fil-A for lunch one day and let her play in the jungle gym area. She was having a grand ‘ol time with another little girl, who was four or five until I gave my...

The Guide: March

Here’s our roundup of what’s happening this month: March 1st- Ribbon Cutting: The Market Bar & Kitchen March 2nd First Friday Art Walk March 3rd- Fix-It Clinic March 3rd- AZ NEDA Walk March 3rd- Steam to the Canyon March 4th- Dew Downtown at Westside Sizzler March...
Last month, Amanda and I traveled to Destin, Fl to attend Sister Site Conference 2018. We'd be kidding if we said getting away for that weekend was easy, but it was 100% WORTH IT.  We began our journey bright and early...
5 Reasons I'm Jealous of my Son... 1. The Tooth Fairy: Kids lose teeth for free and then get money for them. I pay thousands of dollars to have teeth removed, and don't hear boo from that stupid fairy. 2. All...

Don’t Stop Inviting Moms

I am back in the bleary blurry days of early babyhood. My second baby is 4 months old. He’s a milk monster. I spend a lot of time scrolling the internet in the middle of the night. Recently, in my scrolling...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...