It's a well-known fact that the Flagstaff Fourth of July Parade is a BIG deal. Families travel from all over the state of Arizona to enjoy our quaint small-town charm and beautiful weather. Independence Day is like a big...
Some people are extremely hard to shop for gifts. Either because they are overly opinionated, private, because they have everything a person could need or what have you. Me, I'm a minimalist and I'm very vocal (re: obnoxious). Honestly, when...
This holiday season, Americans are slated to spend more than $178 billion ($823, on average, per person) on gifts. Most of this will be from online purchases, and thus we’ll have the double whammy—not just more new stuff, but...
We all know there is a lot of needs in our community, especially during the holidays and the cold weather. But sometimes we don't know how or who to help! I am part of a group here in Flagstaff...
If you had asked me as a young adult if I considered myself a Type A or B personality, I definitely would have stated I was a Type B. I was a theatre kid. I did dance and choir...
Without getting too theological, my family decided to take a step back from a lot of the religious Christmas traditions we were raised with this year. We have a 2-year-old who is definitely forming attachments to repetition and may...
What Is Dia De Los Muertos? In Mexico, Dia De Muertos (the “los” is mostly used in the U.S), is a pre-hispanic Aztec tradition that took place on different dates. After the Spanish came, they incorporated their religion with this...
Here's a hard truth: traveling with a toddler sucks. I know because I've done it a bunch. My son is 20 months old and has been on at least 10 flights. My family lives in NC, so we travel there...
Valentine's Day is mostly geared towards couples but it's also a great time to build traditions with the whole family! I found this Valentine's Tradition idea on Pinterest a few years ago and we have loved doing it every...
Amazon Prime is the modern-day genie in a box. With one quick swipe of the phone app, or a few clicks on the keyboard I can have an entire cartload of products delivered to my doorstep - almost faster...
Several years ago, pre-husband and family I was mulling over Valentine’s Cards in Target. It felt like there was a brick in my stomach and I couldn’t bring myself to muster an ounce of excitement over the upcoming holiday...
If you're like me, sometimes it feels as though everyone else's needs in the family come first. It's the reality of parenthood. Obviously, children need us to attend to their wants, needs, and to keep them alive and thriving....
Hey, Flagstaff! It’s me, ya girl who procrastinates and writes her articles in between other things. What’s up? Well, it is almost the end of September/beginning of October, and I have kept pushing out my article. Why? Well, I have...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...