The onset of winter brings on a mixed bag of physical and emotional states: joy and stress, illness and elation, busyness and depression. Namely, it can trigger many cases of "Winter Blues." It's important to realize that everyone has their...
It's a typical Tuesday morning. I hustle my four-year-old into his preschool, scribble my signature on the sign-in sheet, help him hang up his gear, and turn to say goodbye. But before I can make my way out of the...
If you haven’t heard of COVID-19 yet, because the only reason would be that you’re blissfully sitting on a private island somewhere in the world with no internet (ps – where was my invite?), the intent of this blog...
I keep putting off writing this story. It's hard to think about it even 6 years later. But I want to write it to help moms with really sick kids know they aren't alone and to shine a light...

Make Those Resolutions Stick

  I am a bit conflicted about New Year's resolutions. On one hand, they’re usually made with good intentions and at time of year when the wind-down of the holidays makes me feel ready for some positive change. On the...
As a member of the Flagstaff Community for 10 years, I confess that over the years I blamed NAU (Northern Arizona University) on occasion for traffic, lack of housing options,  and constant construction near the campus. However, I am now...
One day during the infamous year of 2020, the gravity of colliding worldly occurrences was weighing heavily on me. I was sitting at the kitchen table, having just finished lunch, and my toddler was in the family room playing....
Once children entered the picture, we became hoarders. It was as though our house suddenly became a vacuum and all the clutter from our friends, family and even strangers made its way into our living room or stuffed in...
I have had a $50/week grocery budget since I realized that a budget is a fiscally responsible way to plan your finances. Now that we are a family of 3 (and a half), our weekly budget fluctuates a bit...
What is Plant-Based? Plant Based is a less intimidating way of saying you eat Vegan. All of the following meals contain no animal products. Eat them three meals a day, or once a week. Either way, you're doing the earth a...

30 Days Facebook Free

Ok, so maybe it wasn't exactly 30 days Facebook free. What initially transpired was that I was trying to stop using my time looking at social media so much and start trying to do more productive things, especially with the...
Lately, I feel like I'd need to get a Ph.D. to understand the labels on my food. Grocery store jargon has gotten out of control. What does any of it actually mean? And how do I make the best...
How Does Diet Affect the Planet? A recent study concluded that if every American could cut beef out of their diet (just beef) we could reduce our greenhouse gas emissions significantly enough to reach the emissions reductions goals that our...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...