October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and I'm learning we are grotesquely unaware. Part of it could be that the Dyslexia folks chose one of the most frequently used awareness months to throw their hat into the arena. October - really?...

Yes, You Can Foster!

Happy National Adoption Awareness Month! My husband and I have been on a stop and go adoption journey for over two years. Having issues with infertility we decided to adopt through foster care. After having our biological daughter,  we kept...
So, you had a baby and are wondering how you will ever take a trip again. How could you possibly leave the comforts of your home to take your baby somewhere new for an extended amount of time? I’m...
I hear so much about the terrible twos and about how hard life is after bringing home a newborn, but there's a stage hidden in between there that I don't hear too much about - and it surprises me....
Flagstaff may be a small town, but one thing that Flagstaff is big on is restaurants. It seems like new ones pop up almost weekly. Some restaurants offer free kids meals or discounts on certain days or times during...
Hey mamas! It is already upon us, fall, school year, lunches, back packs, schedules, car pooling....I digress. If you are like me and have a young kiddo you are panicking! Should he be in school full time?!?! Am I...
Once the weather is warm enough, Flagstaff loves to celebrate! We start with Hullaballoo and wrap up with Cornucopia. It may seem overwhelming to bring small children to a festival scene, but locals know that we are a family...
There is a special kind of anxiety that comes when a woman has experienced a miscarriage and then conceives again. She feels that any moment, this precious being could be ripped from her. There would be no warning. Nothing...
  Multilevel Marketing. I'm going to assume you know at least one person that is involved in a MLM company. 36.6 million customers have bought products/services from the network marketing model source. A grand total of $35.4 billion in revenue has...
Earlier this year I thought I would grace you all with my booklist for the year, but then the pandemic hit and I read nearly twice as many books as I did the year before (about 42). I won't...
This post created is in partnership with Flagstaff Birth and Women's Center.  Today we are proud to introduce you to Maya Radoccia-Kennen, BSW, IBCLC I have developed a strong understanding of successful breastfeeding through a combination of professional development and personal experience....
“The eyes don’t lie.” “The eyes are the  windows to the soul.” There are endless old adages about eyes, and so many are related to communication and what we perceive in others. That’s because eye communication is a real thing. Ever...
Is it sweater weather yet? A chilly car-ride in the morning, leaves turning and pumpkin spice everything has me reaching for my favorite cozy toppers and boots. Here's a simple fashion update to help you freshen up your fall...

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In + Around Flagstaff

April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops

Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...