I can’t believe the Flagstaff Birth and Women’s Center has been open for almost 5 years. I realize a lot of you may not...
Alcoholic. The word is reserved for people who do horrible things. People like Sandra Bullock's character in 28 Days. Yet, me...who wasn't a black-out...
I heard the voice as soon as I looked in the mirror this morning.
It pointed out the bags under my eyes, critiqued my skin,...
We at FMB are not doctors, but we do encourage the discussion of topics relating to women's health. Please seek the advice of your...
First, I am still meditating, daily and it has made me more present but also made me have more fun! I wrote a bit about...
Picture this: you just gave birth to your newborn. You clap yourself on the back for running the marathon that is labor. Maybe you...
As I am writing this, my baby is on her fourth bout of illness this winter. She is eleven months old, eats more fruits...
I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) at the age of 14. At what was probably my very first visit to the gynecologist,...
What is Plant-Based?
Plant Based is a less intimidating way of saying you eat Vegan.
All of the following meals contain no animal products. Eat them...
Every 'diet' and 'healthy eating plan' out there agree on at least one thing, eat more veggies! That may be the only thing all...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it is a topic that is often on my mind. We all know someone who has been...
How Does Diet Affect the Planet?
A recent study concluded that if every American could cut beef out of their diet (just beef) we could...
Who loves tacos? My family sure does. Way back before kids, I had a personal trainer and he wanted me consuming less sodium which...