Heather Gearhart
Guide to Fall Color in Flagstaff
Drive around town and you know...fall has come to Flagstaff, Arizona. Fall color in Flagstaff has arrived!
It's been playing peek-a-boo with us for awhile...
I Hate Playing Barbies: Finding Parenting Moments in Play
Yes. I said it. And I used the "h" word because I feel so strongly about it. When my 7yo asks me to play Barbies,...
This is NOT Perfect
"This is not perfect." My daughter made the phrase famous in our family as a three year old. It's something we all use to...
Surviving Baseball Season in Flag, 2.0
Spring in Flagstaff. Honestly my least favorite season in our small mountain town, with its strong winds, 40+ degree temperature swings and the real...
Surviving Baseball Season in Flagstaff
Five years ago this April, I eagerly ushered my then 4-year-old onto a soft green field for his first year of T-ball. I donned...
Learning to Fly: How Aerial Arts Saved My Daughter
Aerial arts seems a little out there. But I lovingly wrote my first ever blog post titled “No Tattoos!” for my then 5-year-old daughter....
No. You’re Not a Hot Mess Mom.
The Hot Mess Mom. We love them.
I identify as one. And it's been a liberating term that's helped me ditch my perfectionism and settle...
Winter Break Bucket List [ FREE Printable ]
The holidays are here! And the countdown to winter break is on. The "Last Day of School" is marked on my calendar - generating...
Sanity Saving Slime Making Guide
Whether you shudder or smile at the word "slime," there's no denying it's become a rite of passage for children and moms alike. I've...
Dyslexia Awareness Month – What?
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and I'm learning we are grotesquely unaware.
Part of it could be that the Dyslexia folks chose one of the...
Fall in Love with Flagstaff on a Flagstaff Food Tour
They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I believe the adage rings true for anyone with a pulse....
What Mom Wants for Mother’s Day: FREE PRINTABLE
Ah...expectations. We all have them, but don't often share them. Silent expectations create so many problems in our lives and especially related to big...
Online or IRL Friendships? The Answer is Both.
A few months ago, I tried to cut out Facebook friends who live in the same town. It was a grand experiment to see...