Christine Davis
Cool Weather, Hot Coffee: Five of my Favorite Local Places to Sit and Sip
I don't just drink coffee, I NEED coffee. Coffee is the one constant in my ever-evolving definition of "busy."This weekend I finished grading 96 essays for the four English classes I teach at NAU,...
“She’s a Boy.” My Son Looks Like a Girl, Apparently.
Everywhere we go, people refer to my son as "she." I'm not talking about a few times. I'm conservatively estimating it's happened 100 times. It's almost daily, and he's 14 months. It happens no...
He Doesn’t Walk Yet and That’s Okay
Today I was out at Art in the Park with my son. As we were strolling around a lady took to him. She asked how old he was, and I said almost fifteen months.
Meet the Contributor: Christine Davis
In the spirit of beginnings and introductions, I've included some info below so you can all get to know a little more about me. Thanks for reading, and for making this community home!
Family: I...
One is the Loneliest Number, or Lone Wolf: Only-Child Syndrome Myths
Growing up, almost all of my friends had siblings. Some of them fought, and some of them got along. Some of them oscillated between fighting and getting along. To this day, when I tell...
5 Free or Nearly Free Indoor Activities For Kids this Summer
If you're like me, you spend what feels like all day every day in the park. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting a variety of parks and trails. Our outdoor spaces are what...