Christine Davis
What I Didn’t Prepare for With My Second Child
I mentally prepared myself for the fact that having two kids would be harder than one. I expected to be broke and exhausted. I knew I'd need to be more organized, and to leave...
Deep Cleaning and Healthy Tips for the Pandemic
I'm pretty terrible at doing routine deep cleans, but my mom is a professional. Here are some tips beyond the typical "wipe down" that we all usually do.
Disinfect light switches, door knobs, and...
The Gift of Giving
Every year I pull out a stack of children's Christmas books to read. This week, The Bernstein Bears Joy of Giving left me in tears. It's a simple book about a brother and sister...
The Angry Mama
I'm officially 33 weeks pregnant, working the last week of my summer teaching job, and raising a toddler! Wow, do I feel stretched thin. Not even thin. Just...transparent. I'm looking at myself writing down...
Busy Mom Hacks
This school year has hit me hard. Between teaching, moming, and everything else, I stay swamped.
Here are a few ways I stay organized and sane.
Breakfast Prep
I use this oatmeal recipe . I put half...
Movies & Shows to Fall for Again
I LOVE fall. I am that woman waiting all year to drink pumpkin spice, wear scarves, get out my boots, and take 1,000 pictures of my smush bear in the leaves. Here are my...
How This Teacher Mothers
As a university instructor (college teacher), I have learned that some students fail. They don’t show up to class, or they can’t find a way to stay motivated, or their time management skills are...
Toddler Air Travel Tips
Here's a hard truth: traveling with a toddler sucks.
I know because I've done it a bunch. My son is 20 months old and has been on at least 10 flights. My family lives in...
Five Things to Know if Your Toddler Needs an Arm Cast
Prevention: I thought my crib was lowered all the way. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. Toddlers are more prone to wrist injuries than adults, so try to protect them as much as possible. When...
Judgement vs. Parenting Advice: Holding Effective Conversations
It feels like as soon as you get pregnant you are bombarded with questions. Are you getting an epidural? Will you breastfeed? Do you believe in co-sleeping? Are you going back to work? When?...
5 Reasons I’m Jealous of my Son
5 Reasons I'm Jealous of my Son...
1. The Tooth Fairy: Kids lose teeth for free and then get money for them. I pay thousands of dollars to have teeth removed, and don't hear boo...
Five Holiday Memories You Could Start This Year
Some winter day, far in the future, my son will sit around and talk about what the holidays were like when he was a child. I'm a sucker for nostalgia. One of my favorite...