In the spirit of beginnings and introductions, I’ve included some info below so you can all get to know a little more about me. Thanks for reading, and for making this community home!

Job: I teach composition full time at NAU. It’s a dream job. I’m continually amazed by how much my students care about the word around them, and work to help others.
Early Bird or Night Owl: Reformed Night Owl
Hobbies: I’m writing two novels. I like to knit (but just scarves). I look at videos of hedgehogs and otters. I take long walks that aren’t quite hikes. I watch trashy TV while working out at the aquaplex. Sometimes I sneak off and eat breakfast all alone.
Favorite thing to do with your Family: We love to play in the park. Live music on Wednesday nights is our current go-to activity.
Coffee or Tea: COFFEE!!!!! I have a Gilmore-Girls level addiction, and no shame about it.
Going back in time, one thing you would tell yourself right before you became a mother: You won’t need an epidural, so don’t let all those people freak you out.
Something you are looking forward to: Jett walking! Visiting NC in July. Cake (cake is always in the back of my mind).
Favorite Thing to do in Flagstaff with/without kids: Brunch. Cocktails. Movies. If I had to pick one: brunch.
Best Mom Hack: I let Jett have a pen (closed) and paper so he can grade papers while I do. This works for up to 15 mins.
The greatest challenge you’ve faced: My greatest after-baby challenge was when my husband had to leave home to do TSA training for two months. Jett was three-four months old, and I had to hold down the fort all on my own, while working full-time. I broke down more times than I can count, but three half-days of daycare a week, and truly wonderful coworkers helped me through.
Something you love about yourself: I love how strong I am.
Favorite thing about being a Mom: I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and now I feel like I’ve come home.