When You Don’t Feel Safe In Public With Your Kids
Before I had kids, if I was approached in public for money, I would feel nervous and sometimes threatened. I would also get a...
A Letter to All the Pregnant Ladies
Let me just start by saying that I know pregnancy can be extremely difficult for some women and much easier for others but regardless...
The Hurdle Between Infancy and Toddlerhood
I hear so much about the terrible twos and about how hard life is after bringing home a newborn, but there's a stage hidden...
Finding Balance
Finding balance? There is always so much talk of whether stay at home moms or working moms have it easier, better, or whatever. Having...
The Evolution of the Stay At Home Mom
After the birth of my second child, I decided to become a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). While some women dream of the day that they...
What to do with the Kids During the Fall + Winter in Flagstaff
So it's finally Fall here in Flagstaff which means we can pull out our UGG boots and mama bear sweatshirts while sitting around drinking...
What I Didn’t Know About IVF
I admit it, I kind of went into IVF (in vitro fertilization) blind. All I knew what that after three years of trying, I...
I’m the Introverted Mom
One thing that I actually like about being an adult versus being a kid is getting to make my own decisions like where I...
My Mommy Must Haves
Whenever I hear about someone having their first child, I so desperately want to insert my opinions on what to buy and what not...
The Upside of Being an Older Mom
Elderly Primigravida. Not the most flattering adjective to describe a first time, glowing mom to be. But there they were. Those words were on...
Meet the Contributor: Brooke Joiner
Family: Me, husband Nick, 2-year-old daughter Josie, and 4-month-old daughter Isla
Job: Currently a Domestic Engineer (aka stay at home mom), previously a Graphic Designer
How I Began to Actually Enjoy Night Feedings
Yes, you read that right, I actually enjoy night feedings. But this was not always the case. With my first child, it was all...