Molly Parafiniuk

Molly Parafiniuk
Molly Parafiniuk is a mother of two toddler girls who is lucky enough to spend her days with them. A business owner of a party princess company, Molly loves all things Disney, Star Wars, and kid-friendly content. Quarantine has recently developed an obsession with all things bread making and you can find her on any given day kneading a new dough.

Raising An Introvert: An Extrovert Struggle

In my adult life I have always been a stereotypical extrovert. To quote one of my favorite princesses, “I wanna be where the people...

I Formula Feed My Kids. This is What I Want You to Know.

When I made the decision to give up breastfeeding and start formula feeding my daughter there were a million emotions swirling around in my...

I am Somebody’s Mother and I Still Dress ‘Vintage’

Lately, I’ve been on a big YouTube kick in my spare time. I don’t really have a lot of time to sit and consume...

How to make a Sourdough Starter

Ever since my Instagram Stories takeover I have had an uptick of people asking me how to make their own Sourdough. In order to...

The Joy of Bread-Making (Yup I’m THAT Quarantine Girl)

I've previously written about some of my quarantine ups and downs, and if the world ever goes back to normalcy there is one thing...

Should You Hire a Character for your Child’s Birthday Party? Confessions of a Party...

The weather is getting warmer, and here that can only mean one thing: birthday party season is fast upon us. For years this time...

I’m Playing Animal Crossing: Ways I’m Coping with Quarantine (I’m Not)

We are now on day 173563791007 of Stay-At-Home Isolation. Not really, but it sure feels like it at this point. The first two weeks I...

What to Watch on Disney’s New Streaming Service as a Family

In November something amazing happened for me and my Disney obsessed family. That’s right I’m talking about the release of Disney+. Now that all...

Meet Molly: Q+A

  Family: My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we have two daughters, Stephanie and Patricia (Patsy). We also have a...