- Family: My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we have two daughters, Stephanie and Patricia (Patsy). We also have a dog named Barbara and a cat named Alfred.
- Job: I have the privilege to get to stay at home with my kids. Let me know if you can think of a better name than ‘homemaker!’
- What brought you to Flagstaff: Love. My husband got into the Masters program up here after he finished his undergrad. It was either get married or live apart. We’ve been here ever since.
- Early Bird or Night Owl: Full night owl.
- Hobbies: Does going to Disneyland count?
- Favorite thing to do with your Family: We love to go the farmer’s market when the weather’s warm and the public library when it gets cold.
- Kids Age Difference: 21 months. At the time writing this, my oldest is 2 and my youngest is 6 months.
- Coffee or Tea: “coffee, Coffee, COFFEE!!” -Lorelei Gilmore Although I do love a good cup of tea.
- Favorite/Least Favorite Household chore: Laundry/Bathrooms
- Going back in time, one thing you would tell yourself right before you became a mother: Go to the mom groups, even when you’re tired. You’ll feel so much less alone.
- Something you are looking forward to: I am always looking forward to the next vacay.
- Favorite Thing to do in Flagstaff with/without kids: Theatrikos is always a fun time. Especially if you volunteer!
- Best Mom Hack: Let your very little sleep with a lovey. That way when you travel they always have something that’s familiar and comforting!
- Greatest Challenge You’ve Faced: Learning to open up more about my perspective and to be more open and honest with people.
- Something you love about yourself: I try to find the humor in life everyday.
- Favorite thing about being a Mom: Getting to see my kids form their own little personalities and become their own people. The funny things that come out of my daughter’s mouth every day!