Amanda Wiesner

Amanda Wiesner
Originally an Arizona desert rat, Amanda Wiesner has been setting her roots down in Flagstaff since deciding to get her degree in Interior Design at NAU. Life came quickly at her as she married her college sweetheart, graduated, bought a home, had baby #1, and then quickly baby #2, in a matter of 3 years. She and her husband also have taken on the responsibility of being landlords. Amanda enjoys the challenges and rewards of being a stay-at-home mom to her two daughters, Carly (4) and Morgan (2). When she’s not busy hosting princess tea parties, she enjoys renovating her home, crafting, thrift shopping, and relishing in the great outdoors of Flagstaff.

To Carly: Your Birth Story

Dear Carly, I anxiously waited for your dad to walk into the door of our new home in Baderville. He had been working a long...

Hi, I’m A Mom – and a Pizza Delivery Gal

As my kids were getting older and the fog cleared from my diaper changing days, I realized the possibility of me heading back to...

10 Reasons Why We are Waiting to Start Kindergarten

As parents, we often are faced with life-altering decisions to make for our children. Our latest query was whether or not to send our...

10 Go-To Bedtime Stories

Some days are good and some days are bad, but both the girls and I look forward to a snuggle and story time before...

How To: Plywood Flooring in a Camping Trailer

Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good DIY project. I’m so excited to share my new found love for wide-plank plywood floors...

My Experience with an IUD

I had the great luck of easily conceiving both my girls and although I am grateful for that, the thought of being pregnant a...

Toddler Fashion for Summer: Flagstaff Style

We often joke when living in Flagstaff you can get all 4 seasons in one day. Summer can be a little unpredictable here. It'll...