When you’re young, make-up is grown up and fun. However, the older you get, make-up becomes less fun and more seemingly mandatory.
According to New Beauty, 80% of women wear make up every single day.
This number bothers me a lot. I stopped regularly wearing make-up years ago. I just found the whole idea unnecessary.
I’ve heard from a lot of girlfriends, that they wear make-up because when they don’t, they are told they look tired. I think the reasoning for that is more of what people are used to seeing.
I wear make-up when I feel the occasion calls for it; photo sessions, stage shows, costume parties and the occasional fancy date night.
There’s a clear difference between wearing make-up because you enjoy it, and wearing it because you “have to”.
We don’t expect men to contoure, wax or “fix their face”— so why should we?
I have better things to do with my time and energy.
I’m waiting for women without make-up to be less of a novelty. For the largest section of a drug or big box store to not be cosmetics. Overall, I’m waiting for society to stop being so caught up on womankind’s personal appearance.
So refreshing! I usually don’t even wear make up once a week. I feel like my skin was much worse when I wore it regularly and then I had to cover it up more to hide the blemishes. Usually if I do put make up on I usually just do my eyes and a little blush to add a little more color. I feel like I can be myself more instead of hiding behind a perfected mask.
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