Christine Davis
10 Tips for the Pumping Mama
I breastfed my son for a year with minimal problems, and only pumped while at work, so when my little girl came along and...
Time Management for Moms
As we wrap-up New Year's Resolution season, I've been thinking about something my students constantly struggle with: time management. I always assure them that...
Mom Saver: Pockets of Away Time
My lovely friend gave a demonstration about time management at our work orientation awhile back. A jar was held up and then filled with...
The Anxious Life: December Edition
I see my future, a plan, a goal, and then it flees the frame. I can't remember what I am supposed to do. A...
The Weight of the Worrying Woman at the Holidays: Seasonal Mental Load
I've read all about the mental load that women carry. In relationships, women tend to do most of the mental labor. Seasonal mental labor includes...
Motherhood as Limitation
I've been lucky enough to take lots of writing workshop classes (and to teach some, too). Writing can be overwhelming. Like...what do you write...
Why I’m Not a Fan of Hugging it Out: A Forced Hug is Not...
When I was little the “hug it out” routine was in full swing. Parents, coaches, and other adults asked kids to hug each other,...
How to Keep Cool Without AC
People who move to Flagstaff are often shocked to find that most of our homes and apartments don't have air conditioning. I grew up...
Geography of the Heart: Becoming a Mom in a Different State than Family
I'm the first daughter in my family to move to a different state in at least five generations. That's right, I have broken a...
House Hunting in an Out of Control Market: How We Got the First Place...
We recently sold our townhouse without having another place lined up. No, we weren't leaving town. Yes, we were worried about it. As the...
What Can a Man Be?
There are many important conversations happening in America, and I'm not saying this one is more important than others, but it came up at...
Up All Night Mom: The Second Shift
If you aren't familiar with the term "the second shift," it refers to the domestic labor that mothers perform after returning from jobs outside...
Book Recommendations
Good news is hard to come by these days, but here's some: book sales have increased. On my own social media accounts, I keep...