My family and I recently celebrated our 1 year Flagstaffiversary. We relocated to this mountain town from Los Angeles, CA in the hopes of finding our forever home. We’re often asked “why Flagstaff, what brought you to town?”
We moved to Flagstaff because we wanted something different for our lives and our children.
It’s a rare opportunity, to choose where you want to live. And we’re fortunate that moving to Arizona allowed us to become debt-free. It wasn’t a sudden decision to come here, rather one that was years in the making. Full of many months planning and preparing for our move. I spent countless hours online trying to research as much as I could about our new community and neighborhood.
We have some family in Flagstaff, and they helped us grasp the basics. My Sister-in-Law was so helpful and sent me an email full of recommendations for everything from Hair Salons to Pediatricians. I wasn’t completely lost, but I struggled to find the resources and information I needed to feel prepared for starting our lives over.
Shortly after we moved I made friends with a group of moms, many who had moved to Flagstaff from other cities and states. I turned to them for advice on preschools, fitness studios and motherhood. Those friends were vital to my success in helping my family adjust to life here.
Slowly, over time, I became more comfortable and confident doing daily life in Flagstaff.
Eventually, I knew the short list of parks the boys enjoyed. We found some great restaurants we liked visiting. I even got up the courage to take my kids to new places to play and we found new activities to try with them. And most importantly, we had friends for playdates and support.
It was a long Process, but we finally felt at Home.
Now, when I meet a fellow mom who’s new to town, I do my best to give her the short-list of information I so desperately wanted when we first moved. My passion for creating Flagstaff Moms Blog is similar to Amanda’s in that I care deeply about community and mom friends. I also want to provide a great resource to Flagstaff families.
My dream is to help Flagstaff Moms Blog become a place that can equip a new mom with the support and advice she seeks. I hope the site grows to be a trusted resource for families both new to town, and established. I desire for this place to grow community online and off.