Sienna Bransky
How to Enjoy a Snow Weekend in Flagstaff
Dress for Snow and Ice:
I once saw a woman walking around snowy downtown in snow pants and stilettos. I'm all for fashion as a...
How to Dress your Baby for Winter Snow
If you're new to Flagstaff, or new to babies, you might be feeling a little apprehensive about snow. After a few years of trial...
Toddler-Approved Farmers Market Recipes
Our community farmers market runs every Sunday, 8-12 until late October and it is BOUNTIFUL. If you go, you will likely spend more time...
Leave No Trace for Families
There are now plenty of accounts and collaboratives on the internet promoting outdoor adventure and hiking with kids. The Instagram algorithm really seems to...
Make Room for Stay at Home Dads
The number of dads who stay home with their children has doubled since 1989. While mothers still make up the majority of stay-at-home-parents, an...
Surviving River Season As The One Who Stays Home
Six years ago, if someone had told me that I would be spending my summers as a stay at home mom while my husband...
How to Enjoy Staying at Home with Your Kids
I grew up thinking that staying at home as a mom lacked ambition. I thought those women didn't contribute, were lazy. This wasn't because...
Making Your Fitness Resolution Stick
For most of my life, I'd say I didn't actually know what exercise was. My parents told me it was important, but I didn't...
Gift Guide for Book-Lovers
While minimalism may be trending this holiday season, and many folks are advocating for giving experiences instead of things, I'm here to make the...
How to Welcome Dietary Restrictions at your Holiday Feast
Holidays as a lifelong vegetarian
I was eight when I became a vegetarian. I did it mostly because I was a picky little kid and...
Periods Aren’t Gross: Why We Should End Menstruation Stigma
As if periods weren't already hard enough to deal with, we are taught they are disgusting. We are told that we must keep them...
Your Kids Deserve to Be Bored
Modern parents are under a lot of pressure. We feel the need to ensure our kids' success, to enroll them in the right activities,...
Outdoor Essentials for Adventure Moms
Even as an experienced adventurer getting outdoors with a new baby was intimidating. How do you keep a baby warm in the winter, or...