Jessie Luckey
Making the Switch (to staying home)
There came a point this year where I could no longer deny that two full time working parents was not working for my family....
10 Things that Don’t Suck about the COVID-19 Pandemic
Things are chaotic and up in the air and a lot of it is an anxiety driven nightmare, but I can't pretend that I'm...
Three People Who Impacted My 2019
I write this to you, on the last day of 2019, reflecting the big changes that have been made this year and how we...
Santa is like Mickey Mouse
Santa has been definitely been reimagined since I was a kid; On Christmas morning I would wake up to a room FULL of presents,...
Delaying Kindergarten
I'm no stranger to high stakes early entry kindergarten. That's where I started my teaching career, years and years ago. I had a class...
Six Shows Starring Strong Women
Six shows that I think that you should be watching that happen to star amazing leading women because you probably don't have enough of...
Wedding Dress Upcycling
Like many an American bride, after my wedding day I took my dress to the dry cleaners where it was cleaned, preserved and put...
Thriving Festival Season with Littles
Once the weather is warm enough, Flagstaff loves to celebrate! We start with Hullaballoo and wrap up with Cornucopia. It may seem overwhelming to...
How We Fight to Win the Toy Battle
What do I mean by toy battle? I'm sure you've been to those houses where not only do the kids have seemingly endless toys,...
Reflections On Buying Another Child a Birthday Present
I honestly thought my daughter getting invited to a birthday party sounded like a fun few hours of stress free joy. What a fool...
The Case for Public Schools
When we were children, there wasn't too much debate about where you went to school. Your options were the local public school you were...
Cell Phones: Tool or Hobby?
By now, you are probably well aware that the recommendations for screen time. If you need the reminder, children under 18 months should be...
Your Children Are Watching You: Teaching Children to be Charitable
I want to remind you for a moment that your children absorb every thing you do and everything you say, whether or not it...