Jessie Luckey
June Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Places to Keep Cool
*Originally written in 2021. Last update May 2024.
As each season gets warmer, we are reminded how few of us have air conditioning in our...
6 Practical Ways to Prepare for Death
Author's note: The following article is about death preparation and is not intended to offend any of our neighbors for whom the subject of...
April Poll: Flagstaff’s Favorite Smoothie Stops
Do you love a good smoothie? We asked our local Mom Community and Conversation page for their favorite smoothie stops and the most votes...
Date Night Ideas: Restaurant Hopping!
This year was our first having to plan an anniversary dinner around a baby. Meaning we needed something quick enough to get care and...
Gifts for When You Don’t Know What to Give
Some people are extremely hard to shop for gifts. Either because they are overly opinionated, private, because they have everything a person could need...
Guide: A Vegan Weekend in Flagstaff
Flagstaff has some amazing food options! For every preference or restriction, it is not too difficult to find what you're looking to enjoy. Whether...
Planning for Christmas, in July
If you had asked me as a young adult if I considered myself a Type A or B personality, I definitely would have stated...
My Infertility Journey
Many women walk through an infertility journey that remains unspoken. It can leave us thinking that we are alone and the only ones on...
Daycare is Raising My Kids
Well...not daycare. My children don't go to "daycare." They go to an early childhood enrichment center. I usually just say child care, or school.
I've heard several...
Teacher Gifts Your Kids’ Teachers Actually Want
The holidays can be a busy and rushed time for all of us, and one person, in particular, is someone you shouldn't forget to...
I Wanted a Girl, and That’s Okay
We didn't have a boy name or even a cute fetal nickname.
From the beginning, I referred to my lower abdomen as Louise. "Say hello...
My Husband is Not One of My Children
When I married my husband, I expected, and received a partner. Someone who would run the house as my equal and when it came...
Theatre Makes Me a Better Mom
I love musical theatre. Mostly being a part of community musical theatre. I love the challenge of learning new music, harmonies, and choreography. I...