The Gift of Struggle
As parents, it can be a challenge to let our children struggle. We want to keep them safe; we do not like to see...
Leash up Flagstaff
As we all are trying to spend as much time outside as we can, and holding onto the last days of outdoor weather, what...
Mama, You are Not Broken: Post Partum Realities
Post partum, I felt invisible. Like I was the wrapping of candy that was thrown aside after being torn open. A lot of people...
The Gift of Experience
As the Holidays approach, many of us are beginning the yearly process of gift buying for loved ones. If you’re like me, the holidays...
Here’s Why I Love my Body More After Having a Baby
As women, we have heard and likely felt the pressures of maintaining a certain “body” even before becoming mothers. The pressure is ten-fold after...
5 Games To Play While Sitting-An Ode To The Lazy Parent
We all know the struggles of parenting during a pandemic. Whether you’re an essential worker trying to figure out childcare because you have to...
Why I Quit Social Media
I have had a long-standing love-hate relationship with social media.
There was a practical component where I would quickly learn what was going on around...
I am a Mother, It Begins with Me
I am horrified and heartbroken with the death of George Floyd. Hearing this man in his pain and fear call out for his mama...
Working Mom & Having It All?
We've all heard it, the big push for "having it all" as a working mom. "You can have the career you've always dreamed of...
Let’s Talk About Guns
One of the most difficult things about being a parent is having to confront real issues and make tough decisions regarding our children’s safety...