Want to know my biggest guilty pleasure?
It’s not reality TV shows or fancy chocolate. I don’t have a hidden love of shopping or crave extra large bubbly fountain drinks. But I do LOVE watching Makeup Tutorials online. Isn’t that funny? I don’t even wear much makeup, and I’m certainly not an expert artist by any means. I find the tutorials relaxing and enjoyable. I love watching a skilled makeup artist explain their process and many times I learn useful tips I can implement in my own basic makeup routine.
When I received a Beauty Box filled with the new Flawless by maurices Makeup Collection I was excited to experiment with all the tips and techniques I’ve learned from ‘Beauty Gurus.’ I’m sharing a few of my biggest tips along with highlighting some of my favorite products in the new Flawless by maurices Makeup Collection.

Eyes First. Face Base Second
For some reason, this is one that I haven’t attempted. But after asking a few of your what order you apply your makeup in – I think I may have to try it! The benefit of applying your eyeshadow before you do your foundation and concealer is that eyeshadow “fallout” won’t sick to your flawless face. You know when you go to apply eyeshadow and dust lands on your undereye area? Then you try to wipe it away and end up with colorful streaks and patches? If you did your shadow first, then any fallout could be erased when you apply your foundation and concealer.
I really like this flawless face and eye pallet because of the variety of neutrals and deep shades included. I lean toward using neutral shades in my everyday makeup looks but like to vamp it up slightly using deeper browns and greens sometimes. I also love the highlight and shimmer shadows to enhance the eyebrow bone area between the lid crease and eyebrow.

Eyebrows: Sisters Not Twins
I was blessed to be born with thick and bushy eyebrows, but I didn’t learn to embrace them until recently. I had never considered enhancing my already bold brows until I saw a makeup tutorial. The artist in the tutorial had brows just like mine, and she explained that filling in eyebrows helps them appear more uniform and refined. But the best tip she gave: eyebrows are sisters and not twins. For many of us, our faces are not symmetrical. Fighting to draw in your eyebrows to appear exactly identical isn’t necessary. We all have slight differences in our facial features and learning to enhance them is part of the fun that makeup offers. I’ve come to love my bold brows and appreciate the differences in the shape and arch of each one.
I really enjoyed the ‘define your eyebrows’ section of this pallet. It includes a lightweight wax that holds your brows in place but doesn’t feel like school glue. You simply work the wax through your brows to shape and secure them, then you enhance and define them using the two shade options.

Pump the Breaks on The Mascara Wand
Growing up I remember watching other women in my life apply their makeup. As a child I found the process to be fascinating as they moved from one product to another, dabbing and swirling various creams and powders onto their faces. I think that’s where I first noticed that it was common to “pump” the mascara wand in the tube between swipes to apply coats. Naturally, I assumed that was the common mascara application procedure. Until I saw a makeup tutorial and the artist twisted the wand in the mascara tube and made a point NOT to pump. Pumping introduces additional air into the mascara tube which can lead to the product drying out.
This flawless mascara is my current favorite. I like that the wand is bushy and tapers at the end, which is helpful to apply a good coat to all my lashes from the inner corner all the way out.

Use the Right Tool for the Job
Shimmer eyeshadow has a beautiful effect – if applied with the correct brush. The purpose of an eyeshadow brush varies based on the hair-type, density of the bristles and overall shape. It can be intimidating when presented with a variety of brushes in a store, so ask for help! I’ve found sales associates to be very kind and patient when I seek advice and ask questions.
I like to apply this flawless single eyeshadow in the color ‘rose’ using the flat eyeshadow brush from the flawless five-piece brush set. I just pack the shadow onto my lid using the flat brush. It’s much easier and more effective than trying to brush the shadow onto my eyes.

A Goofy Trick to Keep Lipstuff Off Your Teeth
It’s not often that I wear color on my lips, but when I do, I have an irrational fear that there’s lipstick on my teeth. To prevent the likelihood of this I learned a simple and slightly goofy trick. Apply lipstick as normal, then close your lips around your index finger and remove it from your mouth – similar to eating a popsicle. I know, it sounds totally silly but IT WORKS! Try it and be amazed at how much lipstick you find in a ring around your finger.
This flawless lip crayon in ‘nude’ is creamy and easy to apply. It’s my new go-to because it’s comfortable, doesn’t feel drying and adds a bit of color to my pale winter complexion.

I never have learned to do my eyes – I just want to come sit with you and learn all your secrets!
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