Moira Sullivan

Moira Sullivan
Moira is the mother to one crazy toddler, two equally as crazy furry children and has been a Flagstaff resident for a lucky ten years. Her day job includes caring for animals in the Flagstaff community and strives to find the joy and humor in every-day life as a solo-parent. This little family can most often be found on an off-beaten trail or wondering the Target isles before nap time. Moira is passionate about being outdoors, living simply and naturally, and would choose coffee over tea any day.

Setting Goals and Having Dreams

As a little girl, I dreamt of being a dancer. Bright stage lights, loud music, twisting and turning every which way; it gives me...

Meet The Contributor: Moira

Job: Full-time mother, part-time caretaker, full-time veterinary clinic worker.    Early Bird or Night Owl: Early bird.    Favorite thing to do with your Family: Hike, day-trips,   Coffee or...

De-Cluttering When Life Is Inevitably Cluttered

Once children entered the picture, we became hoarders. It was as though our house suddenly became a vacuum and all the clutter from our...

If I’m Not a “Crunchy” Mama Anymore, That’s Okay.

After having my now one-year-old, I was what some consider “crunchy”: I gave birth naturally with not a single drop of medicine, cloth diapered,...

How We Are Fighting The Flu (Naturally) This Season

As I am writing this, my baby is on her fourth bout of illness this winter. She is eleven months old, eats more fruits...