Meghan Moran Wilson
Flagstaff’s Family Friendly Businesses
To me, family-friendly organizations can be espoused in three ways: personnel, policies, and facilities. For example, once I went to Flagstaff Modern Dentistry for...
Our Experiences with Ear Tubes
Last spring, among other sicknesses, my son, Cormac, got three double ear infections and another single ear infection within just a few months. He...
I Don’t “Teach” My Daughter, I Talk With Her
Earlier in the year, a friend good-heartedly mentioned how baffling it was that my daughter, then three and a half, could tell complex, abstract...
A Reflection on Bedfellows over the Years
As I lay in bed this morning with a stabbing pain in my shoulder, I began to reflect on my experiences with bed-sharing over...
Representation Matters
One day, we were in the car when Claire (3.5years) said something about superheroes. I asked her what a superhero was. She proclaimed confidently,...
Cormac Turns One!
In a few days, I will turn 40. That seems like such a strange thought to me. I always had this very vague notion...
Never Apologize for Feeding Your Baby
Not long after I had Claire, I brought her to a work function. She got hungry and I asked my supervisor if she’d mind...
River Trips with Kids
This spring, our good friends put in—and were drawn—for a river trip on the San Juan. Thus, we found ourselves taking Claire (3.5 years)...
The Dangers of Ear Buds
The other day, at my son’s 9 month checkup, the doctor asked about screen time. “No, he doesn’t get any,” I answered truthfully. “Good,”...
Tips and Tricks for Traveling with Kids
A few weeks ago, I took a trip back to my hometown of Avon, NY to visit family. Because Crispin was working and I...
The Competition for a Perfect Birth
When I was pregnant with both of my kids, I felt pressure to have a “perfect” delivery. There's a whole market around this: doulas,...
Captain Hook: The Quintessential Bad Guy
One snowy day, we stopped at a gas station to fill up, and Claire said she had to go to the bathroom. I stayed...
Small Delights
Lately, I’ve been so full of gratitude for my life that I could burst. I feel so lucky and blessed, and I don’t want...