Heather Pierce
Not a myth: 2018 is The Year of the Woman
We are women and hear us roar!
In the midterm elections recently, the world heard us roar for sure. So many firsts for women...
Good Brews and Happy Kiddos
I love good beer. I might even refer to myself as a beer snob. I certainly like to try local (and not so local)...
Guide to Flagstaff Summer Festivals and Outdoor Music Concert
Ah yes, finally, summer music festivals and concerts are upon us. This is hands down my favorite time of year. Why? Because well, spring...
Meet the Contributor: Heather Pierce
I'm not so great at writing introductions about myself, although I'm great at answering questions. So I'm going to lead into my Q&A with...
What I Wanted to be When I Grew Up – Didn’t Happen
So we all have our dreams when we're little, or when we're in high school, or later, if and when we're in college. I...
How Activism Changed My Life
I’ve always considered myself politically aware, engaged in the world around me. I think it’s just who I am - excessively inquisitive. I question...