Discover the wonders of wildlife with Willow Bend Environmental Education Center! Join us in learning about wildlife ecosystems, tracks & scat. Dress up as your favorite animal, create your own animal mask, learn about the sounds of wildlife and more! Hands-on crafts, demonstrations, activities for all ages. Science Saturday is an event held on the […]
Join Flagstaff Doulas and other expecting parents for a prenatal meet up. This meet up is free and open to everyone. It takes place once a month in person and on zoom on the first Tuesday of the month from 5:30pm - 6:30pm. Each month will have a new topic for expecting parents.
Tummy Time with Erin Free!BYOB (Bring Your Own Baby) Learn about different ways to promote baby milestones from pediatric PT Dr Erin Martinez. Connect with other parents. Drop-in's welcome.