Maternity photos, to do or not to do, what a hard question! I will tell you now that I wish I had done them! I know that it is a tough choice and here are some pros and cons.
I was not a photographer when I was pregnant and I did not even know maternity photos were a thing! So you are one up on me there! I did have my husband take monthly photos of my growing belly. With my 2nd baby, I had my husband take a photo of our older one kissing my belly on our front porch (in some really bad light :)). I am so glad to have those! But my husband is not in any of them. I do not have them printed on the wall in my home (as they are not at all flattering in my opinion :)), but I do have them in an album, which I do pull out and look through!
Why hire a professional when you can do them with your iPhone?
Well, I could go on about this one, but doing them yourself is certainly a great option, just as long as you are getting some done! If you have a talented niece or uncle photographer let them go for it! Just be sure get you and the other important people in the photo so it’s not you alone in all of them. And get in some pretty light!
Why would you want professional photos taken of you when you (think you) look fat? Well, I am here to tell you that I think you are gorgeous as an expecting mother! A professional will be able to get the whole expecting family in the photos, will know the flattering poses and will know about beautiful light. A lot of photographers offer maternity photos as an affordable add-on to a newborn session.
Look for a photographer whose style you love!
Having a baby is a huge milestone and in my opinion, something definitely worth remembering forever! You are creating life and that is a really big deal!
So whether you hire someone or use the smartphone, please see and capture the beauty in this amazing time in your life.