Well actually my goal is to meditate every day for a year, and I am just past the middle of the year! This all came about several years ago when I was in school. A professor told us that when he was in college, his professor told him to meditate daily for a year and he would become enlightened. Well I know that can mean different things to different people, of course. But I was intrigued for sure! This really stuck with me over the years and I finally got to a place in my life where I was ready to try it!
Last winter I was talking to a friend on the chair lift and he said, “I am much nicer to my kids on days that I meditate”. Ding ding ding! My ears perked up and I was all in. He recommended a popular meditation app. It is free to start, then you pay a subscription. As a meditation newbie I don’t have a lot to compare to. I do like that this app is a mix of learning to sit in silence (wow is that tough!) and also learning to meditate on specific things like relationships, anxiety, eating and many more subjects. I did a few sessions and realized I was ready to commit to the year long challenge!
Now I think of myself as a pretty laid back, but having a family changes everything! There are a lot more people to think about and the make decisions with and for.
Here are a few things that have improved in my life:
- I am kinder to my kids, myself and everyone
- Sleeping better
- I am less stressed
- Time is going less fast which is a result of…
- Trying to be more present
I have learned a few things about myself that I hope to work on as well! On the topic of being present – I realized how much I am not present! My mind is busier than I ever realized, and I have found that I spend a lot of time thinking about the future (and other things). I have probably done this for a long time, but now I am very aware of it. And while I know there is a time and a place to plan for the future, or think of the past it does not have to be constant! So as I learn more about my mind, the good and the bad, I hope to become more calm, clear and present. I’m pretty sure enlightenment is a long ways off, but I have to start somewhere I guess!
I will be back to update you all after the year is complete!
Do you meditate? Have you found it to be helpful?