When Debbie McGlothlin sent her daughter off to college and son to the military, she found herself searching for ways to bond with them while they were away from home for the first time. And what better way to tell someone you love them and you’re thinking of them than with a fresh baked treat?
“I have always enjoyed baking for my family,” says McGlothlin. “It is a simple way to share my love with my husband and kids. My kitchen is my comfort zone. I enjoy making simple, homemade tasty treats that all kids and adults love.”
That’s when Pinecone Pastries was born.
McGlothlin started Pinecone Pastries in 2018 with the mission to bring smiles to college students in Flagstaff with a “homemade hug”. Homemade hugs include a baked item of your choice, topped with a pinecone, handwritten note, and a photo of the recipient upon delivery. Every order is personalized and can be delivered to residences, businesses, schools — anywhere in the Flagstaff area. Check out hundreds of smiling faces on her Instagram profile.
In three short years, word has spread and McGlothlin has expanded her offerings to include gluten free items and new bundle packs that combine baked goods with ice cream or a gift card to make special occasions a little more special. She’s even hired a new employee to keep up with demand.
“I get so much joy out of my regulars [customers] who order year after year when their kids are at school,” McGlothlin says. “I treasure the fact that I’ve played a small part in their college experience.”
McGlothlin says the majority of Pinecone Pastries’ customers are parents of college students, but her goal this coming year is to get her baked goods in front of more local Flagstaff families who are looking for unique ways to celebrate special occasions.
“I think everyone loves a good cookie,” McGlothlin says. “Cookies are great for meetings, thank yous, congratulations, appreciation, events … even just because. Let’s celebrate everything.”
While brownies and chocolate chip cookies are the crowd favorites on the Pinecone Pastries menu, you can also find muffins, cupcakes, and seasonal items, such as pumpkin muffins or fudge, to enjoy for a limited time.
To place your order, visit pineconepastries.com.
Pinecone Pastries is a local and woman-owned business based in Flagstaff, Arizona. More information can be found at pineconepastries.com or on Facebook and Instagram @PineconePastries.