My breastfeeding journey started out ahead of the curve.  My husband and I met with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) one-on-one weeks before giving birth.  We took a prenatal breastfeeding class, practiced feeding holds, learned about latches,...
The 70/30 Rule My husband and I have a few rules that we both greatly agree on. One of them is what we refer to as the 70/30 rule. Most days have a normal predictable routine for our toddlers. My...
I’d like to tell you about my son Blake. He’s a clever little guy who loves trucks, dance parties, and riding his bike. He’s a sensitive soul who deeply wants to connect with others. He cheers his little sister...
Hi, my name is Jill, and I’m a travel ball mom. Honestly, I tried hard not to be. My husband and I had five little girls in six years, and a wise friend coached me early on to be...

Teen Me Please!

Where have all the children gone....? The babies. The toddlers. The kids under 10. Those kids. My kids. Moms, if your babies are growing up, and aren't little anymore, as in they won't fit in your lap all snug,...
The last two years of navigating the schools and academic decisions for our families have been both challenging and quite frankly, really confusing. At times there seems to be no great option for our children. But at the end...
I've soaked up the Hollywood version of relationships throughout my entire life. Thus, my idea of romance and courtship comes from a combination of 80's and 90's rom-coms, General Hospital, and Beverly Hills 90210. I know, it's surprising that...
sleep coach

I Hired A Sleep Coach

A while back I wrote a post about enjoying night time wakings and feedings with my newborn (here). Looking back I truly feel that I soaked up as much late night, swaddled baby burrito cuddles as I could. Fast...

Let Them See You Work

Being a mom is really hard sometimes. Being an adult is really hard sometimes.  Keeping it all together is really hard sometimes. I’ve been making an effort, though, lately, to show my kids how hard I work. The home tasks...
Teens and winter driving.....   I have a teen of THAT age; you know... 15 ½... the magic age in AZ where you can get a permit to drive. She enjoyed herself and was doing great... right up until it...
“Keep your pants on!” That is definitely not a phrase I thought I would be repeating over and over throughout the day! In case you are wondering, no it’s not my husband I’m saying this to. It’s my 22-month old...
I was a teacher in another chapter of life, a high school teacher, and I loved it. I get sentimental around this time of year, and then I remember. . . it was a tapestry of hard work, new...
I'm the first daughter in my family to move to a different state in at least five generations. That's right, I have broken a tradition dating back to the 1800s. Southern guilt is real, and it follows me like...

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In + Around Flagstaff

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

I do not like roses. There, I said it. I also don't love boxes of chocolate. Or stuffed teddy bears. So here's a list...

The Guide: January

Flagstaff in October

The Guide: October